
Showing posts from May, 2023


PROJECT 2: DIGITAL IMAGING EXERCISE 01 PART 1: SHAZAM I was tasked to use this image to insert into the Hearst Mansion background provided and followed the instructions that were given to us. This was what it looked like when I just only put the subject picture onto the background Addition of shadow under Shazam Blurred the shadow and reduced opacity Added reflection and changed the hue to match the colour of the water Final Image (After adding ripples) PART 2: SELF-REFLECTION We were then tasked to create the same composition as the Shazam poster with ourselves, and I decided to use this photo as it has the best lighting despite the not as clear background. I then reused the shazam poster and scaled myself to Shazam and proceeded to work with that. I added a shadow behind the subject. Blurred the shadow and reduced the opacity. Added a reflection and changed the hue to match. Final Image

Typography Task 2 / Typographic Exploration and Communication

13/5/2023 - Ending Date / Week 5 - Ending Week Dominic Lim Yan Hong / 0354235 Bachelor of Creative Media Design Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication LECTURES: Week 5 Lecture Noted in First Task Post Week 6: Fig 1.0 Example of different Mediums of Typography Fig 1.1 Another example of different mediums of typography Typography was viewed as living only when it reached paper back in the past.Once a publication was edited, it was considered complete and finished, without changes. Good typography and readability were the result of skilled typesetters and designers. Today typography exists not only on paper but on multitudes of screens. It subjects them to many factors such as system font, the device, the screens, etc. Our experience on typography today changes based on how the page is rendered, because typesetting happens in the browser. Fig 1.2 Pixel differential between Devices INSTRUCTIONS: <iframe src="